installation: make sure to uninstall all previous installed mods. move the res_mods folder in your World of Tanks directory. done :) TankCarousel (only for Extended): to remove the tank carousel feature you have to do the following= - go to \res_mods\0.8.11\gui\flash and delete all 3 TankCarousel files - go back to your res_mods folder - now go into \res_mods\0.8.11\scripts\client\gui\scaleform and delete the daapi folder - done Female Crew Member: to install the female crew mod you have to do the following= - download the Mod at - unzip the file and drag the gui folder into \res_mods\0.8.11\ to uninstall the female crew mod you have to do the following= - delete the icons folder in \res_mods\0.8.10\gui\maps